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Ausangate Trek - 6d/5n
Ausangate trek offers you the challenging to be in very high areas, some of thems a little bit remote areas, and close to the snow caped mountain of Ausangate, one of the most important mountain in the region of Cusco, this mountain consider as a protector of the high areas and the protector of the Cusco city.

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More information about this program

The Ausangate Trek 1Church of ChincheroCARLOS AND RENE PINEDA. the arqueological site of SacsayhuamanThe Inca Trail 1Handycraft in Chincheros MarketCusco, view of the Plaza de Armas at nigthThe Inca Trail 3Nilo's Mother with himselfThe majestic cathedral of CuscoEvaporation ponds in the Salt Mine of MarasThe Salkantay trek 2The Salkantay trek 1The Inca Trail 10The Ausangate Trek 2Traditional view of Machu Picchu from the Wayna Picchu 2
Ausangate Trek - 6d/5n   
Ausangate Trek - 6d/5n day2Day 2 . CUSCO – TINQUI After an early breakfast we set off for the stunning drive to the trailhead. We break up the journey with a lunch spot with views of the awaiting Ausangate. On arrival at Tinqui (3,800m) we meet our muleteers and families. Here we have a chance to understand a little of their lives, before camping the night.
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Ausangate Trek - 6d/5n day1Day 1 . TINQUI  - UPIS We wake to an introduction of camp life and packing the mules. A day of gentle uphill walking past open puna, highland meadows and several water tables; we may be lucky to see viscachas (the long tailed highland rabbits), condors and Andean foxes before arriving at our campsite of Upis (4,400m). Here the hot-springs, in the shadow of the snow covered Ausangate provide a spectacular yet eerie camp setting.

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Ausangate Trek - 6d/5n day3Day 3 . UPIS – JATUN PUCACOCHA After a morning’s sharp ascent, we skirt the western shoulder of Ausangate at Arapa pass (4,800m). The colourful moon like rock formations are in stark contrast to the white beauty of Ausangate. Our afternoon’s descent we pass the spectacular Uchuy Pucacocha (little red lake) and its waterfalls before arriving at our campsite beside the waters of Jatun Pucacocha (big red lake).

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Ausangate Trek - 6d/5n day4Day 4 . JATUN PUCACOCHA - AUSANGATE BASE CAMP A day of mainly steady ascent rewards us with the passes of Apuchata (4,900m) and Palomani (5,200m).The beautiful azure lake of Ausangatecocha and the back view of Ausangate provide the backdrop for this fascinating day. We pass through the traditional base camp used for mountain ascents before finishing with a descent to our campsite on the meadow below. Glacial moraines surround our campsite at 4,510m.

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Ausangate Trek - 6d/5n day5Day 5 . BASE CAMP - PACCHANTA We follow up the broad green valley to the small lake of Ticllacocha. More viscachas and hopefully some rare vicuñas should accompany us on our journey. Our last big pass now lies before us, the Campa pass (5050m) is the most impressive with glaciers, scree and snow providing a truly big mountain expedition feel.  A long descent bring us  to  our final camp beside the hot-springs at Pachanta (4360m) where we camp and have a chance to soak our exhausted muscles in the lovely hot water pools.

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Ausangate Trek - 6d/5n day6Day 6 . PACHANTA – TINQUI – CUSCO A short hike down to the trailhead at Tinqui where our bus will be waiting for us (4237m). After lunch we wave goodbye to the mules and begin the drive back to Cusco where hopefully hot showers and cold beers await.

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