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The Inca Trail to Machu Picchu 4d/3n

The system of communications in the ancient cultures in the world it was so important for their development, so using trails they got more production and communication in between their territories, so the Inka trail to Machupicchu it is one of the evidence of this advantage from the Inka Culture in Peru, in addition of that the inka trail to Machupicchu it is passing through the National park call “el Santuario Historico de Machupicchu” kipping inside the wild life and the culture in sustainable way together. Enjoy this experience learning and putting in prove your physical body as well.

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More information about this program

The Inca Trail 7Inca Citadel of Machu Picchu 2CARLOS AND RENE PINEDA. The arqueological site of TiponThe Salkantay trek 2The Choquekirao Trek 6The Salt Mine of Maras from the topThe Inca Trail 1The Inca Trail 3Inca Citadel of Machu Picchu 3Traditional view of Machu Picchu from the Wayna Picchu 2The Ausangate Trek 6The Ausangate Trek 3The Choquekirao Trek 4The Salt Mine of MarasThe arqueological site of Pisaq
The Inca Trail to Machu Picchu 4d/3n   
The Inca Trail to Machu Picchu 4d/3n day1Day 1 .


A spectacular early morning drive through the Sacred Valley of the Incas takes us to our trailhead at Km. 82 of the Machu Picchu railroad. After getting acquainted with our trail crew we set out, crossing a footbridge to hike a gentle two hours down the Urubamba canyon, and then visit imposing sculpted Inca farming terraces and the settlement of Llaqtapata on the banks of the Cusichaca side river. We then climb a short way up the Cusichaca valley to Wayllabamba, the last inhabited village on the trail, where we camp.

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The Inca Trail to Machu Picchu 4d/3n day2Day 2 .


We climb the steep-sided Llullucha valley past a rushing stream and through enchanted native polylepis woodland. Crossing the rim of a small plateau, we abruptly find ourselves in the puna, the treeless grasslands of the high Andes. The trail traverses an open slope opposite mighty mountain crags as we ascend to the first and highest pass, Warmiwañusca (4,200m/13,776ft).

Here we encounter spectacular views of the trail ahead to the second pass, and look back to the sweeping snowpeaks and valleys of the Huayanay massif. The trail to the floor of the forested Pakaymayu valley, where we make camp.
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The Inca Trail to Machu Picchu 4d/3n day3Day 3 .


We pick up an Inca stairway and ascend again past the small Inca site of Runkuracay. As we reach the second pass, the landscape opens onto spectacular new views to the snowpeaks of the Pumasillo range. We descend to the ruins of Sayacmarca (Inaccessible Town), an intricate labyrinth of houses, plazas and water channels, perched precariously on a rocky spur overlooking the Aobamba valley. The Inca trail, now a massive buttressed structure of granite paving stones, continues along the steep upper fringes of the cloud forest through a colorful riot of orchids, bromeliads, mosses and ferns. At the third pass pinnacles topped with Inca viewing platforms overlook the archaeological complex of Phuyupatamarca (Cloud-level Town).

Pausing to explore the wondrous maze of Inca stone towers, fountains and stairways that spillins down the mountainside here, we begin a long descent through ever-changing layers of cloud forest. An Inca stairway partly cut from living granite leads us finally to our camp by the ruins of Wiñay Wayna (Forever Young), the largest and most exquisite of the Inca Trail sites.
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The Inca Trail to Machu Picchu 4d/3n day4Day 4 .


An early morning hike takes us across a steep mountainside through lush, humid cloud-forest of giant ferns and broad-leaf vegetation. Suddenly we cross the stone threshold of Intipunku (Sun Gate) and encounter an unforgettable sweep of natural beauty and human artistry -a backdrop of twisting gorge and forested peaks framing the magical city of Machu Picchu.

We complete the final leg down the royal flagstone walkway, past outlying shrines and buildings and into the heart of Machu Picchu, where we spend the rest of the morning with a guided tour of the highlights and some individual exploring among Machu Picchus multitude of hidden nooks and corners. In the early afternoon a bus takes us to the small town of Aguas Calientes, where we board our return train to Cusco.
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