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Peru 14 days Puerto Maldonado - Cusco - Puno
Puerto Maldonado it is a jungle cities and around this city it is located a couple national refuges, who keeps the wild life, enjoy, see and hear the nature in Puerto Maldonado. Cusco city consider the historical and archaeological capital of Peru, every corner in the city and around the city it is telling us history, about what was this inka culture in the Peru country, and don’t forget Machupicchu one of the seven wonders of the world.  Puno region has one of the bigger altiplano of the country of Peru located in between the two Andean ranges, the Easter and western ranges are all this altiplano, and here you have the changes to see the highest lake in the world the Titicaca Lake.

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Salt Mine of Maras - CanalThe Ausangate Trek 2Evaporation ponds in the Salt Mine of MarasLandscape of the island of TaquileInca Citadel of Machu PicchuThe Inca Trail 2Lima on the Plaza de ArmasCARLOS AND RENE PINEDA. The Ausangate Trek 3The Inca Trail 6Landscape from Maras villageWoman in traditional costume of UrosThe Ausangate Trek 6The Salkantay trek 3The Inca Trail 9Traditional boat of Uros
Peru 14 days Puerto Maldonado - Cusco - Puno   
Peru 14 days Puerto Maldonado - Cusco - Puno day1Day 1 . Fly to Lima, capital city of Peru, located in Peru’s narrow coastal desert between the Pacific Ocean beaches and the towering Andes mountains. We meet you at Lima’s airport and transfer you to a comfortable hotel for overnight.
Lima ►
Peru 14 days Puerto Maldonado - Cusco - Puno day2Day 2 . Early flight to Puerto Maldonado, a small jungle town, then by river (3hours+) to the jungle lodge in the Tambopata Reserve. On the way we may see caimans, river turtles and waterfowl. There is normally time to do a short walk in the afternoon. Please note that, depending on flight times, it is possible that you may arrive after dark.

Lima ►    Puerto Maldonado ►    Tambopata ►
Peru 14 days Puerto Maldonado - Cusco - Puno day3Day 3 . Puerto Maldonado activity From the lodge we take extended jungle walks, guided by one of the Reserve's resident guides. The area is very rich in exotic plants, insects and monkeys, and particularly in birds and butterflies; the resident guides are normally around in the evening to answer questions. At night we go searching for caiman by flashlight. If it is a clear night, then the star-lit sky can be magnificent. 

Puerto Maldonado ►    Tambopata ►
Peru 14 days Puerto Maldonado - Cusco - Puno day5Day 5 . Puerto Maldonado - Cusco We return by river to Puerto Maldonado and take a flight from Puerto Maldonado to Cusco The former capital of the Inca empire now fills the head of a manicured valley at 3340 meters / 10,857 feet above sea level.  We transfer you to your hotel, and brief you on the events of the following days.  You have the remainder of the morning free.  We suggest you take it very easy for a few hours, to help your body adjust to the altitude.  You’ll have ample time later to explore Cuzco’s colourful streets and plazas.  In the afternoon free time to explore to center of Cusco or just rest.

Puerto Maldonado ►    Tambopata ►    Cuzco ►
Peru 14 days Puerto Maldonado - Cusco - Puno day6Day 6 . Cusco - Sacred valley - Machupichu Drive to Pisaq town and visit the colourful market at Pisac, at the entrance to the Sacred Valley of the Incas, and afterwards the huge Inca ruins above the village and after lunch explore the magnificent Ollantaytambo, where many buildings display original Inca stone foundations. The adjacent Sun Temple offers some of the finest stone construction, after that catch the train from Ollantaytambo station to Aguascalientes (Machupichu) town one hour a half trip and spend the night.
Cuzco ►    Pisac ►    Ollantaytambo ►    Sacred Valley of the Incas ►
Peru 14 days Puerto Maldonado - Cusco - Puno day7Day 7 . Machupichu - Sacred Valley In the morning, before the tourists arrive, we climb by bus to Machupichu to have a tour and spend the morning at the ruins, For most people the highlight of the trip is the visit the greatest ruin in the world, the lost city of Machu Picchu. This is one of the architectural and engineering marvels of the ancient world, in a mountain setting of staggering immensity. The Spaniards never found it, the Incas left no records about it, so Machu Picchu remains a great enigma, a city lost for centuries in the jungle, then board the train in the afternoon for the ride along the Urubamba River to Sacred valley  hotel, where we spend the nignt.

Cuzco ►    Machu Picchu ►    Machu Picchu Pueblo ►    Sacred Valley of the Incas ►
Peru 14 days Puerto Maldonado - Cusco - Puno day4Day 4 . Puerto Maldonado activity From the lodge we take extended jungle walks, guided by one of the Reserve's resident guides. The area is very rich in exotic plants, insects and monkeys, and particularly in birds and butterflies; the resident guides are normally around in the evening to answer questions. At night we go searching for caiman by flashlight. If it is a clear night, then the star-lit sky can be magnificent. 
Tambopata ►    Puerto Maldonado ►
Peru 14 days Puerto Maldonado - Cusco - Puno day8Day 8 . Maras - Moray - Cusco explore this day the Maras salt mine where the peasants from the countryside of Maras work making polls of salt and selling their products in the market around the sacred valley and even in Cusco city, after that visit Moray the circular terraces where the Inka culture or the Andean culture domesticate more than 1500 plants and after that visit the Chincheros town where is located the arqueological place and the colonial church, continue to Cusco city, stay here in a comfortable Hotel.

Sacred Valley of the Incas ►    Maras ►    Moray ►    Chinchero ►
Peru 14 days Puerto Maldonado - Cusco - Puno day9Day 9 . Cusco city tour In the morning we tour the Inca and colonial monuments in the city, including the Cathedral, the Inca Temple of the Sun, and the impressive Plaza de Armas. We also visit the exquisite Inca shrines of Tambo Machay and K’enko in the hills above the city, and Saqsayhuaman, the enormous fortified temple with its massive ramparts of hewn stone, for a condor’s-eye view over the red tiled rooftops of Cuzco. Afternoon free to explore for your own the city of Cusco.

Cuzco ►    Saqsayhuaman ►    Tambo Machay ►    Kenko ►
Peru 14 days Puerto Maldonado - Cusco - Puno day10Day 10 .

Cusco - Puno
In the morning at 7:00 am Today we take a bus ride across the altiplano, the high plains separating the Andes from the jungles. Although it is quite a long drive, it is interesting and often spectacular. There are scheduled stops along the route to visit some of the most interesting sites to help break up the day and we get a feeling for the immensity of the Andean landscapes. These include Pucapucara, a pre-Inca town, and La Raya Pass, the watershed and geographical shift from altipano to Cuzco Valley where the Raqchi Inca temple is located. We arrive in Puno in the evening.

Cuzco ►    Puno ►    Titicaca ►
Peru 14 days Puerto Maldonado - Cusco - Puno day11Day 11 . Puno - Uros - Amantani
The highest navigable lake in the world at 3,856 m/12,650 ft, Lake Titicaca is intensively settled around its whole margin. We transfer to the port and board a motor launch for the 2 hours cruise and visit the astonishing Uros flouting Island after visit this magnificent island continue to Amantani island where a gentle and industrious population of Quechua peasants who welcome us, the Quechua-speaking islanders regained ownership in the mid-twentieth century, and have been receiving tourists into their homes since the early 1980’s.  Half a century ago, a trip to the island was an adventure, often an overnight trip in precarious sailboats.  Now cooperatives of island families operate comfortable motor launches to make the trip a delightful immersion into another world.  We spend a delightful afternoon hiking on the island.  Over¬night in one local home.
Puno ►    Titicaca ►    Uros ►    Amantani ►
Peru 14 days Puerto Maldonado - Cusco - Puno day12Day 12 . Amantani - Taquile - Puno
Board a Motor launch for the 1½-hour cruise to Taquile Island.  Taquile’s rocky, terraced slopes rise precipitously from the waters in the center of the lake; We spend a delightful morning hiking on the island and after that in the afternoon return to the City of Puno. Spend the night in Puno Hotel.
Amantani ►    Taquile ►    Titicaca ►    Puno ►
Peru 14 days Puerto Maldonado - Cusco - Puno day13Day 13 . Puno - Lima Transfer to the airport of Juliaca located at 45 minutes from Puno city and flight from Juliaca to Lima. Explore Lima.
Puno ►    Lima ►
Peru 14 days Puerto Maldonado - Cusco - Puno day14Day 14 . Lima city tour In the morning city tour of the historical colonial centre as well as the modern district of Lima ending with a view over the Pacific Ocean. At night fly to Home.

Lima ►
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